This is my new blog.

This is my new blog.

This is my new blog. It will much like the last blog. It will be filled with books, tea, art, perfume, travel tales, makeup, restaurants, coffee, and photos from my adventures. It will contain lots of selfies.

The format will mainly serve as a space for long-form thoughts, stories, and reviews. It will be published sporadically, as content is available. For a more day-to-day glimpse into my life, you can peruse my Instagram. To see what made me angry on the internet as of late, there's my Twitter account. And if you're really bored, my Pinterest page has a wide variety of curated boards that you might find interesting. Or not. Whatever. You do you, as they say.

As far as content warnings go, there will be profanity. Actually that might have been a better blog name... Anyway, it's rated PG-13 with a flicker of an R from time to time. No actual nudity though, so you can safely read this at work and not worry about HR calling you in for a meeting. Enjoy.

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